Pocket Games Publish That Unicorns, camels and hogs: How smart ad monetisation saves your app from getting eaten alive |

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In today's app market, success is no accident—it's a strategy. Whether your app becomes a unicorn (a rare, standout success), a camel (steady and sustainable), or a hog (a resource-draining misstep) depends on the decisions you make now. In this episode, Patrick McSteen, an app and game monetisation expert with Logan Square Consulting (and a speaker a PGC Helsinki 2024), joins hosts Peggy Anne Salz and Brian Baglow to explain how a great ad monetisation strategy can transform the ad experience from a necessary nuisance to an aspect of the game that excites, engages, and entices users to spend. ... [MORE]

Source: https://www.pocketgamer.biz/unicorns-ca ... e-podcast/
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